Welcome to the Jungle.
Let’s Go!
The Amazon rainforest is a very big place and most of it sits inside of the state of Amazonas deep in northern Brazil. There are no doubt a lot of fish to catch in a place this grand but we’re confindant that the peacock bass program on the Rio Marie is right up there with the very best of it. This challenging fishery will test your casting wherewithal but will all give you the best shot possible at catching some of the biggest peacock bass on the planet. Multiple IGFA records and fishing rods have been broken on this most remote and wild system.
Photo credit: Nick Kelly
Rio Marié.
Rio Marié is the world’s premiere fly fishing destination for peacock bass. Situated high in the Brazilian Amazon, the river lies deep inside of indigenous territory and remains almost entirely un-impacted by modern civilisation. Travellers start their journey in Manaus, Brazil and charter a further 500 miles into the depths of the rainforest to meet the “Untamed Amazon,” a purpose built, deluxe, live aboard vessel outfitted with skiffs for daily fishing excursions. With more than 500 miles of exclusive access to catch and release, fly fishing only water in a pristine ecosystem, the Rio Marié has proven to be the number one destination to target trophy peacock bass today. Of course, trophies is not what it’s all about when you’ve found yourself deep inside of one of the most remarkable ecosystems in the world. Contact us today for more information.
Amazon rainforest, Brazil.
Late August - Early February
The largest peacock bass in the world.
$7,350USD + Native community fee of $675USD.